Japanese Korean Chinese(Simplified) Chinese(Traditional)
(11th November,2024 last updated)
Endurance of hardships
Amateur Radio
- Call Sign
- Since
- 26th November,1992
- Transmitter
- IC-2330 (144MHz,430MHz),SB3
Academic background
- 2015 Docter of Engineering, the Course of Depertment of Mathematics and System Development in the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University
- 2008 Master of Engineering, the Course of Information Engineering in the Division of Science and Technology, Master's Program, in the Graduate School, Shinshu University
- 1998 Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo Denki University
- 1994 Shizuoka Prefectural Shizuoka High School (The department of common, Full-time schooling system)
- International Driving Permit A
- International Driving Permit B
- International Driving Permit C
- International Driving Permit D
- International Driving Permit E
- Permit of Boat's Operator (1st Class)
- Permit of Boat's Operator (Personal Water Craft)
- On-the-Ground II-Category Special Radio Operator
- Maritime II-Category Special Radio Operator
- Amateur Fourth-Class Radio Operator
- Grade A Gunpowder Handling Safety Person in Charge
- Hazardous Materials Officer Grade B Category 1
- Hazardous Materials Officer Grade B Category 2
- Hazardous Materials Officer Grade B Category 3
- Hazardous Materials Officer Grade B Category 4
- Hazardous Materials Officer Grade B Category 5
- Hazardous Materials Officer Grade B Category 6
- Toxic substance and Highly poisonous substance Handling Person
- Registered Information Security Specialist
- Applied Information Technology Engineer
- The 2nd class Graphic Information Skill Official Approval CG Section
- The 2nd class Timetable Official Approval
- Disaster Prevention Expert
- Compact vehicle construction equipment (for leveling, transporting, loading, and excavating)